Brownshirt Projection

Brownshirt Projection


David Hogg would’ve made a good brownshirt
Cheryl K. Chumley / Washington Times

—  ANALYSIS/OPINION:  —  David Hogg, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high-schooler who seems to have set himself up as Laura Ingraham’s arch nemesis, has been making national television rounds of late, pretty much calling for adults to step aside …

When does aiding and abetting, lying about and justifying intentional cruelty and actual malice stain one’s soul so deeply that one becomes an actual participant in that cruelty and malice?

At this juncture, every Republican in America needs to answer that question for themselves. For a boastful and arrogant party of “Christian” and “family” and “patriotic”  values, the necessity of answering this question to their own, personal satisfaction becomes immanent and pressing.*

[*And to answer the first huffipied and hufferocious response: No. One need not be perfect to note the truth. This fallacy, whose Latin name predates the language — English — it’s being wielded in is “called “Tu Quoque” or, “You Too!”]

Not Nipper

They cannot debate gun safety. Instead, they bully children. And when these children dare to speak back, they bully them even more. Significantly, through WOMEN, because even the NRA knows that Wayne LaPierre bullying underage CHILDREN — which, if we accept as the definition of anyone in cases of statutory rape, we must at least be consistent in speaking of [well-paid professional mediaadults bullying children [who watched their own schoolmates slaughtered right in front of them] — looks real bad.

Consider the original capacitance shock when advertisers pulled out of the Laura Ingraham franchise after she viciously attacked a child who’d witnessed (although not WITLESSED) a school massacre. Does this flash point shock the coordinated Right’s attack media from understanding the optics?


T’would seem that, having fought the bully back, suddenly, VOILÀ! the Unwilling Victim has metamorphosed in a most Kafkaesque manner into a NAZI BROWNSHIRT. (The “Nazi” inheres in the term, irrevocably, please note).

Columnist Chumley again, from above:

Just saying his demeanor, his rhetoric, his whiney demands, his illogical views of the Second Amendment, his refusal to consider facts and historical truths over emotionally charged screams — all that, added up and considered, suggests he may have missed his calling by a few decades, and an Atlantic Ocean.

Kafkaesque, in this case, being more The Trial than “The Metamorphosis.”

“As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into Sean Hannity. He was laying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, hairdo and when he lifted his head a little he could see …”

Yesterday, Ann Althouse — an adult law professor who is known to drink — mocked the same child’s college admission failures

Ann Althouse / Althouse:   Why are colleges rejecting the prominent high school activist David Hogg?

… I haven’t watched David Hogg’s political speeches, only this video. To my eye, he looks stressed and troubled. I don’t know how independent he is, who if anyone is using or abusing him, how much sleep he gets, how confused and addled he may feel after such an intense time in the spotlight (immediately after the trauma of the Parkland massacre). I wish some school with a traditional, structured approach to education would reach out to him so he’d have a good place to develop his mind and get some footing for his activism….


 Sarah K. Burris / Raw Story:   ‘The View’s’ Meghan McCain lashes out at Parkland student David Hogg for using profanity to attack the NRA

And here are some other self-explanatory links:

Daniel Victor / New York Times:   Laura Ingraham, Facing Boycott, Apologizes for Taunting Parkland Survivor David Hogg

Peter Hasson / The Daily Caller:   David Hogg And Media Matters Team Up For Ingraham Boycott

Joseph Curl / Daily Wire:   Gun Rights Provocateur David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied

Nicholas Fondacaro / NewsBusters:   CNN’s Stelter Admits He Let David Hogg Get Away With Lies About Guns, NRA

The point is this, as it has ALWAYS been this: HOW come it’s OK to smear children, rather than debate policy?

What is it that Republicans expect? That all NON-Republicans will simply stop and say “you’re right!” and never get in your way again? Or does it occur to you that adopting the political stance of hatred and disparagement of all that oppose you can only lead to ONE conclusion, ONE contest and ONE resolution?

(Hint: it ain’t little girls and puppies, although if they spoke up in favor of gun control, you can rest assured that the Female Talking Heads of the Smear-and-Sneer-overse™ would go after THEM in a New York minute.)

Is it because there IS no rational defense for one’s position, or, rather, is it that Republicans have acceded to this vile, vicious and borderline-satanic response to nearly all political questions for so long (1986-Rush Limbaugh; 1996 Faux Nooz™) that they are no longer passive enablers, but active participants in this dark mass?

I have no answer to this question, nor do I expect one. I merely ask that each and every Republican out there ask him or herself whether they passively acquiesce to this behavior, or whether they have “principles” and will state for the record: NO. This is WRONG.

And then they can go back to blaming George Soros for all problems.


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