Monthly Archives: February 2019

Law With No Rules

Trump’s bewildering national emergency press conference, annotated
Washington Post

—  President Trump declared a national emergency at the southern border on Friday — but not without making a scene full of false claims, offbeat comments and tense exchanges…

We are about to plunge into Constitutional crisis as I write this, and none of the talking heads seems to think that it’s much of a big deal. [UPDATE: Crisis now enacted.] Oh sure, some claim that the federal courts (so freshly packed with Mitch McConnell/Federalist Society hanging judges) will protect us.


Some believe that Congress will protect us.


And some even believe that the Republic will endure.


Make no mistake: this is a Caesar moment: the “president” declares himself First Citizen and rules by fiat (no: not the Italian car). Continue reading

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The Dog and Pony Show; Trump’s SOTU

Peter Baker / New York Times  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump was set to deliver what aides called a message of bipartisan unity on Tuesday night in his first address to Congress in the new era of divided government, but any hope of harmony was dispelled long before he left the White House.

The true State of the Union? Parlous.

There IS no middle of the road position in America today

It begins, as our Toddler-In-Chief enters the House chamber. Continue reading

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